On vacation: minimal mode enabled
I'm currently on vacation with my family in beautiful Greece, and want to make the most of my time here with them.
But I didn't want to leave you out of sync with the security world, so I selected the stories that jumped out, just with a little less filtering and summarising. The result is a bit rougher, but I hope you still get value out of it :-)
Microsoft adds support for JavaScript functions in Excel
Days later a PoC came out for a CoinHive miner in an Excel sheet.
Vulnerable web applications allow hackers to bypass corporate firewalls
A detailed technical article which explains how malicious attackers can target vulnerable web applications running on developers' workstations to bypass corporate firewalls. This might sound far fetched, but it is very typical for developers to run vulnerable (still being developed) web applications on their computers.
New security features to manage your company Macs
Fleetsmith just launched new security features: remote lock and wipe of employees' devices and kernel extension whitelisting. You can also escrow each Mac's FileVault recovery key, and enforce a company policy for password and screen saver settings. I use Fleetsmith every day, much recommended :)