Equifax breach digest. Serious Bluetooth vulnerabilities found in all operating systems. New wave of MongoDB ransomware attacks.
Contact info of six million Instagram users for sale. DragonFly group targeting the energy sector. 465k patients need pacemaker updates.
Over 700 million e-mails found in spambot database. Google BFP misconfiguration takes part of Japan offline. $500k bounty for messaging app exploits.
Chrome extension hacking continues. DDoS pulse wave attacks. Sony PSN's social media hacked.
Airbnb open-sources malware scanning framework. AWS releases data monitoring service. One vulnerability affects Git, Mercurial and SVN.
WannaCry killswitch author arrest. Npm malicious typo-squat libraries. Changing street signs to mess up self-driving cars.
Adobe announces end of Flash. Sweden leaks private data of millions of citizens. Chrome extension briefly taken over and turned into adware.
More Ethereum thefts. Tor bug bounty program goes public. Large set of security updates from Apple.
Widespread GSoap exploit in security cameras. Over $7mil stolen in Ether by hacking a website. IBM Z mainframe with massive encryption capability.
Broadcom Wifi chip vulnerability in iOS and Android. Let's Encrypt to support wildcard certificates. 14 million Verizon records exposed.