
Personal note

Lot's of interesting news this week, with Zoom security and record GDPR fines as my personal headlines. Also, I'm very happy to share that 1Password has decided to renew their sponsorship and support of this newsletter for another full year. Thank you 1Password! If your company is interested too, there's one slot still open :-)

Dieter Van der Stock

Breaches and leaks

  • Canonical's GitHub account was hacked. Fortunately the attacker seemed to mostly mess around and didn't seem to do real damage: link.
  • DNA testing company Vitagene exposed personal, medical and genetic information of over 3000 users: link.
  • GE Aviation had an unsecured Jenkins server, exposing source code and passwords: link.
  • 7-Eleven's Japanese payment app had an attacker abuse a woefully inadequate password reset function, causing customers to lose a total of $500.000: link.
Dieter Van der Stock
